Autumn is here! The fall foliage with all of its color, cooler temperatures and low humidity can be beautiful. Its an ideal time dead head your flowering plants so that they don’t spread their seed and that they come back next spring with healthy, strong shoots. This will also create bolder and brighter flowers.
This is also a good time of the year to redesign or renovate your landscape. Replace dead plants or trees. Tear out old, dated beds and update. Weather its sod, seed patch, shrubs, trees, stone or mulch, we do it all.
Snow. I know. It’s an ugly word for most. If you’re a “snow bird” or simply don’t have the energy to clear it when it does eventually arrive, Fit Lawns Landscaping will manage this for you as well. We have ice and snow management contracts designed to fit your specific needs. Sign up by October 31st and receive 10% off your 2015-2016 contract.
Fill out this form to set-up a FREE consultation so we can help you get your property in the best shape possible!
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